About Us

T20CAI was established in Nov. 2008 with aim to provide training to the upcoming sports youngsters from all the levels of the society the methodology of no profit no loss. In short span of time we have organized tournaments in India and abroad which add to the laurels and talk about the success of the association the sports stars playing in association are from the age of 14 years.

T20CAI backed by professional coaches of National and International level who not only provide matched but motivate the players with “can do” spirit and always believe in improving the quality of cricketers.


  • T20CAI has a vision to bring up the standards of young cricketers and make them ready for the big stage. To offer excellent infrastructure to corporate to have nets and also organize tournaments, series for those who approach.


  • We believe in supporting the local community. In this endeavor we try to support new talent in the sport of cricket through the association.
  • Develop young cricketers with the latest equipment sand techniques.
  • To make the association a model of cricket excellence by quality all-round education, both theoretical and practical.
  • To promote the enjoyment of the game among the local community.
  • To help raise the level of skill and provide the opportunity to play in a professional environment.
  • To inculcate the spirit of the game at an early age among the players.